God and the meaning of life, part 1 of 2 parts

God and the meaning of life, part 1 of 2 parts.

This is the first of a two-part post.  This first part criticizes  a book by Tom May, A Significant Life.  Much of the book concerns why God can’t be part of the answer.  The second part is a list of things that contribute to a meaningful life.  It follows this part.

Todd May can’t imagine that God can be part of the answer to a meaningful life because God only provides objective meaning, which doesn’t exist.  His is a common error about God and the meaning of life, but it takes a philosopher to really make it confusing.  May is a philosopher.

May’s idea is that an objective answer to the meaning of life can only come from the outside, given to humans by God.  A subjective answer, on the other hand, is one which humans come up with themselves.  The distinction doesn’t work.  In fact, the whole distinction between objective and subjective meaning doesn’t work.

Continue reading God and the meaning of life, part 1 of 2 parts

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